Tricia Neace, Period 6, 5-3-14
Huu Nyugen, The community hero.
There are many Community Heros. People who devote their life to helping the community. I was lucky enough to interview one of many heros, Huu Nyugen. Huu works at an organization called IFCA. This organization talks about early childhood and emotional intelligence. In this interview I asked Huu about her perception on certain topics like youth violence, or the educational system. She was very open and honest about her opinion on the topics. Some of the things she mentioned really made me think, and I’m sure some of her statements will make you think too.
Huu’s view on the educational system is frowned upon. Huu says instead of teaching us emotional intelligence, we are just taught the main subjects. (Math, reading, writing, history)
Huu says the tests that are passed out from the state, are made to weed out certain people. Huu says that they are not testing what we’ve learned, but how our teachers performance is. Huu said this very confidently, like she really believed what she was saying. After talking about this to Huu, my opinion on the educational system changed quite a bit. I would of never thought talking to one person could make me change my whole opinion on something. Huu made me think really hard about if they’re really testing our knowledge, or our teacher’s performance.
One of the topics we touched on is youth violence. Youth violence has been a huge problem in Chicago. So we decided to ask Huu about her opinion on youth violence. Huu said she was sheltered from youth violence. She would mainly be isolated in her home with her siblings. As Huu grew, she said she began to witness youth violence in Humbolt Park. She describes that late at night, she would see four or five-year-olds on the street. She saw abandonment. Huu suggest that parents get more involved with their child. ‘’Children on the street is the cycle of youth violence.’’ - Huu Nyugen
Huu’s organization is called IFCA.. This organization helps with early childhood and emotional intelligence. Huu’s parents disagreed with her wanting to become a community activist. They said she wouldn’t make as much money. Huu said she wasn’t worried about that, she just wanted to help people. Huu said her organization helped her with early motherhood and has changed her for the better. I respected Huu ever more after this topic. The fact that she gave up being a Pharmacognosist to help people in the community, knowing she wouldn’t make a lot of money is amazing and honorable. ‘’Physical play is so important. not just physical play but role play.’’- Huu Nyugen.
Since Huu is a role model, we thought it would be interesting to ask her what a role model is, in her perspective. Huu says a role model is one who reflects qualities that the youth admire. Those who really listen to what the youth have to say. I strongly agree with Huu. A good role model listens to what the youth have to say without jumping to conclusion. “Just as medicine and foods cannot heal and nurture every body in the same manner, there is no formula or singular group or type of people that I believe are a good role model for youths.’’ -Huu Nyugen
Meeting Huu was an amazing experience, I’m so glad I got to interview her. Her opinions on things made me think and inspire me to make a change. She has inspired me to help girls and boys of all ages who are being oppressed because of their race or gender. Huu said she was oppressed because she was a female. Huu is an amazing community hero, she makes sacrifices and help people who need it. I hope one day to make a difference like her. ‘’I wanted to gain more of this idea of knowledge than material items.’’ -Huu Nyugen
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